Monday, March 19, 2007

The Results of Going On Retreat - Healed Body Image

Something magical happened to me over our retreat and in terms of my body image ; all I can say is that I'm just not bothered any more. This is because I've shifted my focus in terms of a) not looking back with any negativity, b) accepting what's now (this is who I am and except for some minor glitches I'm healthy and have a lot going for me) and c) moving forward with an ongoing commitment to care for, love and honour myself each day. - MGB

1 comment:

Coach Margie Scott said...

Oh Yes, the body image thing....gosh we sure have been tortured by that one with Hollywood and the media and in the way society says we "should" look. I am addressing this whole issue with a retreat I am offering in Nov, here in AZ, called "Stand Up If You're a Hot Babe!" Thanks for the title Coach C.A.). It's about claiming our authentic passion and sensual aliveness, no matter how old we are, or what we look like. It will take place at a hotsprings, and is an overnight retreat to really give the women participants time to sink into the healing waters and adjust their self image. We'll be doing lots of other fun stuff too. Yes, there is magic in these retreats and I have witnessed it working many times!
Coach Margie