Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Magical Enchanted Forest in Big Sur, CA

If you've EVER wanted to pretend that you are a fairy princess and play in an enchanted forest, you HAVE to join me this September for the Princess Power retreat in Big Sur.

Now, I'm not one for making such bold statements, but My Honey and I just spent three days at the Big Sur Lodge having a wonderful time walking in the enchanted forest. After going through a very stressful few months, it was an amazing time of renewal and reconnecting with my Princess Power.

We hiked to an ancient waterfall where we were able to see a great metaphor for life in the way the water found its way to the bottom: some water just goes over the edge with lots of energy and falls straight down into the pools below while other water takes the road less traveled and ends up in the pools a little later than the rest of the water, but it gets there gently and without a lot of fuss. There have been times when I've been the water just exploding over the edge and other times when I've preferred the gentler way. But the net result is still the same: I've arrived at my goal.

Being amongst redwoods that are about a thousand years old had a tremendous grounding effect upon me. They've seen a lot in their lifetime and have been through a lot. Yet they still stand with grace and dignity.

I do hope you'll join me in September!

Dr. Julie

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